*NEW* Broadband Directory - South Somerset: Get Connected

2nd April 2021

*NEW* Broadband Directory - South Somerset: Get Connected

South Somerset District Council have produced a directory of internet service providers in South Somerset. During the Covid-19 pandemic our broadband connections have become a communication lifeline for some and are as important to our residents whether they are running their own business, employed and working from home, home schooling as well as for shopping and gaming activities. 

The South Somerset landscape varies between urban and rural so the broadband services can be patchy for our residents and we want to offer them the opportunity to be aware of the different types of broadband providers by offering some extra publicity. There are so many schemes, it can be confusing, but we have tried to put all the possibilities in one place and if there is something that you are unsure about or would like support for your broadband in your community please contact us at econdev@southsomerset.gov.uk.

For further information click here.